So this is the fan made ending of the GODZILLA NES Creepypasta by me, Haramonia. I am bored and I don't feel like adding to today.

The Pasta

After defeating Destroyah, I had to do go through one last Hell Beast encounter. I went with Mothra, I'm not sure why. When I entered the battle I saw this.
Instead of a hell beast encounter, I was fighting Godzilla. I only took screencaps of the major attacks. One of them was were Godzilla fires a red beam from his eye.
I dodged it with ease. His next trick was very powerful. His eyes started to glow. He fired a beam with his hand and trapped me. He then summoned thunder.
He then tried to use an intestine jaw, but I managed to fire an eye beam. I then said "FUCK THIS SHIT!". I turned the game off and burned it. I then burned the NES. I sold the burned game and nes on Ebay for $7.00. I guess I did win!
''Made by  ''